sábado, 4 de abril de 2009


Think of the person you'd like to be with the most right now, who is it? mm nadie
Is there a boy that knows everything or mostly everything about you? nono
How long can you go without your mobile phone? me da igual si lo tengo o no, es por compromiso, cuando me llaman y no atiendo me jode el: AY HOY TE LLAME Y NO ATENDISTE!
Have you talked to a complete willy head today? no
Would you ever get a tattoo? quiero uno, una frase en mi muñeca izquierda, o alguna flor, o algo asi
What's your mood? ninguno
Are you employed? no
Are you in a relationship? jajaj no
Something you do a lot? reirme, usar pc
How many piercings do you have? ninguno y no me llaman mucho por ahora
Where's your boyfriend/girlfriend? no tengo uno! empecemos por: do you have a boyfriend? y ahi te digo, no, i don't have it.
What should you be doing right now? nada especial, dormir quizas? no
Plans for your next birthday? ninguno
Are you currently frustrated with a boy/girl? no
Do you have unlimited texting? no
Do you straighten your hair often? no
How late did you stay up last night and why? 3 o 4 porque era viernes
Play any sports? natacion
Do you like Redbu​ll? no probe, no se el alcohol no es lo mio jaj
Do you plan on going to university? falta
At what age do you want to be married? 25, no se, el destino siempre cambia todo, me da igual
Would you ever get a belly piercing? medio pio
How many kids do you want? dos, i dont know
Does it bother you when someone says they will call you and they don' t? SI.
Do you trust people easily? para nada
Have you ever cried from being so mad? JAJAJA si
Who do you love? Why? familia, amigos porque son mis cosas mas importantes
Was it a boy or girl to text you last? boy
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? con chocolate OBVIO
Are you currently wanting any body piercings or tattoo? tatuaje, aunque no lo pedi, tengo que pensarlo bien, oh si ¿? jaj
Do you sleep on your stomach? jajaja deforme!
Where are you going to be at 4pm tomorrow? viciando, capaz
Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where? mm supongo que en año nuevo
Are you missing someone? si :'(
Do you like horror or comedy? terror, oh si.
What were the last words you said to your dad? todavia no la trajiste
What are/ were you doing at 12 this afternoon? i was listening music
What did you do last night? i was sleeping, watching tv, using the computer.
Was this the best year of your life? 2007 ♥
Have you ever been drunk at school/work? nunca estuve asi, ni lo voy a estar, no una persona anti-alcohol como yo.
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? si
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? no creo
What's your favorite season? otoño-invierno
When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong? todos los dias
Do you hate being alone? no, a veces si pero... no
Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly every thing about you? yaaa, my two best friends
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? mm no
Do you find the opposite sex confusing? maybe
Do you trust all of your friends? no TODOS
How did you feel when you woke up today? no me acuerdo como me levante jajaj
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? nono

1 comentario:

  1. Josefina me matas
    Sos igual a cuando eras peque (L
    Quiero volver a ser peque :(
